Themes In Conceptual Art

I think the topic that easily grabbed my attention the quickest was Invention and Fantasy. I hope I'm not misinterpreting this genre because when I think Invention I think Sci-Fi, and with Fantasy well, obviously fantasy. As a kid 2 of the first games I played were Halo: Combat Evolved, a Sci-Fi FPS and Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, an obviously fantasy puzzle action game. I got the chance to play these around when I was 6 or 8 years old, I don't have a good enough memory to remember the exact age. As time went on though, I got more and more into Fantasy (while still enjoying Sci-Fi) with the Lord of the Rings trilogy being one of my first memories from when I first moved to Pennsylvania at around 10 years old, and my dad giving my the Dark Elf Trilogy by R.A Salvatore as a bit of reading to do over the long summers before I actually got friends up here. Fantasy has always been a genre I could escape to when things got hard, and I love the messages that can be delivered within it, the most obvious being good vs evil. There's something so appealing about being a young adolescent and seeing a hero using going against these fantastical beasts (speaking mostly of Legend of Zelda), seeing good triumph evil. However, if I were able to work in the field I would want to create a fantasy world with more of a grey morality, kind've like (if memory serves me correctly) the world in The Seven Realms novels. I think it would be interesting to explore something more than just good and evil, make something a bit more complex that doesn't just make Orcs into bumbling oafs that are just creations of evil. This may not be possible in a high school film class but I'm sure there are ways to do Fantasy on a non existent budget mixing different film genres and conventions.


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