Understanding Plato's Allegory of the Cave
I felt if I was going to create a film as a modern interpretation of the allegory, I should do my research and really break down the story so I don't lose the key components of it. So, I'm going to go over the events before the story, the story itself, and its affect on society to this day. Before The Story In the story Plato says that the person narrating is Socrates, his old teacher who was executed by the Athen government for "corrupting the minds of Athen youths." According to my english teacher he was apparently offered either death or exile and he chose death. Most people think of Socrates as a voluntary scapegoat since he chose this way and it points to him being something of a martyr. In reality Socrates was moreso a preacher of free and individual thinking, which the government did not appreciate and actually falls in line with the theme I want my films to have this year. Plato released the story saying that they were Socrates words and not his own,...