End of Marking Period 2 Blog Post

Exploration of Ideas

Image result for allegory of the caveAt the beginning of the year I knew I wanted to do my own take on Allegory of the Cave. It was one of the first things we read in my World Literature class and while we were reading I could kind've just see scenes coming together in my head and I knew it was a challenge I wanted to take on. 


While planning for this I watched a lot of videos and read a few articles discussing the philosophy of the Allegory and honestly gained a lot of critical information I needed for my interpretation of things. Honestly I think my ideas match the same ideals as Plato and Socrates, sort of critiquing the government and how things are handled. I'm not an extremely political person (in fact I'm a moderate) but there are still some really messed up ways the government handles things and I think showing an exaggerated form of it is perfect to exemplify the metaphor.

Image result for cameraTo be honest there hasn't been much production yet. I've learned a lot of things from trying to do this process with how complicated even a small cast can get, trying to manage time between school, projects, and work. As well as personal health and taking that into account and overall trying to take care of myself better, not for the sake of myself but the people around and involved with me.

This has been a long, grueling, and to be honest stressful process. I've found that it is extremely difficult to follow my passion like this while also dealing with life and school. However, it's still my passion and even with how difficult things are now and will likely continue to be I'd still like to try and continue following this. I love filmmaking and am subscribed to several video essay channels that break down what works and doesn't work in movies, television, and animation. I have a wealth of knowledge and ideas that I'd love to explore, all I need to do is calm the storm inside my head and figure out exactly how to do it. Instead of thinking of the end result I need to think more about the middle, not the thinking or the production, but the actual creation of the ideas I have in my head.

Image result for irish manI plan on using the knowledge I learned on my next film, which I'm hoping to have set in an Irish rebellion against the British. I will likely either go with a smaller cast or try to split up screen time better, since for my film I've needed everyone there in order to shoot half of my movie. I'll also use the feedback I have received and will continue to receive to make myself a better scriptwriter and hopefully better storyteller in general.


MatiasEnElMundo. “The Path to Enlightenment: Plato's Allegory of the Cave.” ThoughtCo, 11 Aug. 2019, www.thoughtco.com/the-allegory-of-the-cave-120330.
“Canon EOS R Mirrorless Digital Camera with 24-105mm Lens.” Bhphotovideo, www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1433711-REG/canon_eos_r_mirrorless_digital.html.
“Robert De Niro in 'The Irishman'.” New York Post, 3 Dec. 2019, nypost.com/2019/12/03/go-ahead-and-admit-it-the-irishman-is-terrible/.


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