End of MP 3 Blog Post

Intention Definition & Exploration of Ideas:

I don't know if I am sticking to my original plan, making films about going against the wrong doings the governments of the world inflict on its people. Personally, I think I just enjoy writing stories, exploring characters, and just having themes under them. In the first film of mine that never really came to fruition, it was about not allowing yourself as a citizen to become a mindless drone for your country, however so far in this film I'm working on now, it feels more like I'm working with what it is to be a part of a national identity, how it is to be a patriot for your country. I think this is mostly due to my exploration of the video game series Metal Gear, most specifically Snake Eater, which explores how soldiers are just pawns for their country, and sends a heavy anti-war message. I don't enjoy the idea of limiting myself to one theme or idea, and prefer to just explore human experience and psyche.


Personally I feel my planning has gotten a lot better. I learned a lot from my last project, knowing not to have too many essential people on my cast for now since everyone has their own schedules, making my pre-production a lot more organized and somewhat cleaner looking. I think my color coding is definitely a lot better and I get clear messages from what I need to look at to effectively get ready to move into the production phase. I am excited to get this down.


I haven't done much producing myself but I have been helping buddies of mine do personal projects and have been playing D&D lately, which may not seem connected at first, but playing as a DM in that game has actually allowed me to explore different character arcs and different story beats that I think will actually help me in my filmmaking. It's also really helpful in having me learn pacing. Overall, I think I'll be able to make a great film once I get a chance to.


If I properly evaluate myself, I've been doing a horrible job this year. I have been having a lot of illnesses leading to me spending a lot of time out of school, I've failed to turn in quite a few blogs and other such things. I really need to to step it up this final marking period, not for anyone else but myself. I'm very disappointed in myself and I know I can do better, so I am going to do better.


I often use video essays I find on YouTube to bring an extra level to my works. There are several amazing channels like The Closer Look and Screened that are simply incredible and have taught me to look at film on a deeper level. It's honestly gotten so bad that my friends hate watching movies with me cause all I do is critique things I see wrong or praise some of the, in their words, dumbest, smallest things about the movie that they feel don't need praising. However, with the amount of directing I've done for a variety of products, I know there are plenty of little things that can only be appreciated by those that really care about films. My hope is to have many small, little things that elevate the viewing experience if you notice them while watching my films.


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